Free download Assassin's Creed III full game
A fine line exists between balance and war. The Assassin’s Creed franchise has always been about the struggle between the Assassin Order and the Knights Templar: Is peace obtained through freedom? Or is it obtained through control and subjugation? Take a look any functioning government today, and you’ll probably find that this dichotomy is at its best when both freedom and order co-exist.You kind of want the opposite in a game. When developers design a game and fill it with content, one hopes that each design choice puts more good into the game than bad. This exact struggle exists within Assassin’s Creed 3.For every positive thing I noticed, there was something negative to accompany it and not vice versa. Unfortunately, this relationship does not reciprocate as there are some flaws that often go unanswered by any redeeming qualities.Assassin’s Creed 3 brings some new blood to the franchise as Desmond jumps into in Colonial American and relives the life of his half-Native American, half-British ancestor, Connor. Aside from some major developments in Desmond’s story, Connor’s story is pretty standard for Assassin’s Creed-fare; Connor is driven by revenge and guided by justice. Though unlike his predecessor, Ezio, I never grew attached to him. Granted, Ezio had three games and has had more than enough time to show me growth in his journeys. I never found Connor to be as likable. At his best, Connor’s feelings seem to be unchanging, with his morals and motivation set in stone. At his worst, he comes off as stubborn and naive — maybe even a brat at times. I felt as though he went through the game without seeing the big picture regarding the conflict between the Assassins and Templars.
Download full game here
To fully working game download update patch in your game folder and install it Assassin's Creed III Update Patch 1.04+Westpoint DLC+The Hidden secrets Pack
Download here:
Assassin's Creed 3 Tyranny of King Washington DLC PACK (require update patch 1.04 to be installed first)
Download here
Included DLC :- Assassin's Creed 3 Tyranny of King Washington DLC (The Infamy)
- Assassin's Creed 3 Tyranny of King Washington DLC (The Bretrayal)
- Assassin's Creed 3 Tyranny of King Washington DLC (The Redemption)
If you can't play DLC:
go to C:\Users\**username**\AppData\Roaming\Theta\Orbit\54\
- try move file to Desktop (as backup) and start game .
- if is not working move file back to that folder and take file and move it to Desktop .
- file must stay there to be able to play DLC
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